where we meet

with ektor garcia

Jun 22 - Jul 29, 2018
Chicekn Coop Contemporary, Portland, OR, USA

I would say that the three characteristics of minor art are: not the deterritorialization of language, but the development of one’s own personal, highly idiosyncratic language; not so much the connection of the individual to a political immediacy, but the acknowledgement that form, which is art’s primary duty, is always already political; and definitely not the collective assemblage of enunciation, but the impossibility of art to speak for anyone else if it does not first and foremost speak for itself.

——Chris Sharp (2017)

Good Weather is honored to present where we meet—an exhibition of work by ektor garcia and Pei-Hsuan Wang at Chicken Coop Contemporary. The exhibition follows the precursing A pointed finger draws the line at Interface in subjectifying boundaries (in a prescient manner). Within the premise of the minor, the idiosyncratic language of the work in where we meet involves resistance—implicit and profound—and an evasiveness tied to certain concessions—the private and perverse supplanting the multitude and polite—that articulates a solemn state of becoming. 

 ︎ work                    ︎